Introducing the AWS Reserved Instance Planner from Cloudability

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AWS Reserved Instances are often the most effective way to reduce your AWS infrastructure costs. But it can take hours to calculate how many reservations you need – and if you buy the wrong quantity or types of Reserved Instances, you could end up spending more money than you save.

Avoid the insecurity and ditch the spreadsheets when it comes time to buy Reserved Instances by using Cloudability’s Reserved Instance Planner tool. Now you can get accurate Reserved Instance purchasing recommendations instantly and without the risk of spreadsheet errors.

Simple Reserved Instance recommendations for each type/region

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Cloudability’s Reserved Instance Planner instantly shows you the total number of recommended RI purchases for each instance type, OS and availability zone, the upfront cost of those purchases, and the estimated savings that will result from those purchases if you maintain your usage patterns.

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You can roll-up recommendations or target specific accounts, create filters to focus on specific instance types and AZs, pick your payment term and choose which RI types you would like to include. The RI Planner puts the power in your hands to explore scenarios and corresponding recommendations all from one convenient user interface.

Behind the scenes Cloudability is using a sophisticated algorithm to calculate the number of instances of each type, OS and availability zone that are running each hour of the reporting period.  The tool then uses that data to determine the frequency that each hourly instance count meets the breakeven points for every reserved instance type – regardless if you choose All-Upfront, Partial-Upfront types on a 1 year or 3 year term.

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The rationale and break even points for each recommendation are then compared to your existing reserved instance portfolio.  You get an easy to understand list of what you should buy more of, and which reservations you may have over-provisioned.  To make things even clearer, you’re presented with an easy to understand hourly frequency distribution histogram that gives you confidence in the recommendation by visualizing the underlying data for each one.

No other RI tool can give you this level of detail.

Take advantage of Partial-Upfront, No-Upfront and All-Upfront Reservations

Comparing breakeven points and exploring the differences between All-Upfront and Partial-Upfront Reservations while taking into account existing Reservations you’ve purchased in the context of your current deployment is a huge challenge – especially from a spreadsheet. Explore your options through the Cloudability Reserved Instance Planner. It can itemize recommendations and provide modification options for each reservation type so that you are always aligned with your infrastructure and achieving the optimum blend of reservation types.

More historical data means better recommendations

Because Cloudability warehouses your utilization data over time, recommendations are based on rich historical usage patterns. You can select any date range covered by your Detailed Billing Report (DBR) to make more informed decisions and exclude historical usage spikes from your recommendations; this provides much deeper levels of confidence and control.

Dig deeper into your recommendations with Cloudability Utilization Analytics

Once you have your Reserved Instance recommendations, use our Utilization Analytics feature to create reports and dive deeper to understand how your instances are being used in the recommendation before you purchase.

Start saving more money with Reserved Instances today

When chosen correctly, Reserved Instances are an invaluable cost savings tool.  With Cloudability, you can buy Reserved Instances with confidence and without spending days in a spreadsheet. Whether you’re one of the 70% of Cloudability customers who use RIs or are simply ready to try them for the first time, the Cloudability Reserved Instance Planner and it’s recommendations can ensure that you get the most out of your RIs.

Login to your Cloudability account or sign up for a free trial today. Want to learn more about RIs? Check out this recording of our popular webinar, “The Science of Choosing AWS Reserved Instances,” to get a lesson from the Cloudability experts. Watch it now!

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