Managing Disruption: Re-Forecasting and Optimizing IT Costs During Economic Uncertainty

The health, economic, and political fallout from COVID-19 will make 2020 the most challenging business environment for CIOs since the Great Recession. Over the past weeks, CIOs have had to answer a wide range of questions—quickly.

In this on-demand webinar,  learn from TBM Council General Manager Jarod Greene and a panel of TBM Council Board of Directors members on how re-forecasting IT spend and IT cost optimization helps meet the challenges of economic uncertainty.

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The health, economic, and political fallout from COVID-19 will make 2020 the most challenging business environment for CIOs since the Great Recession. Over the past weeks, CIOs have had to answer a wide range of questions—quickly.

In this on-demand webinar,  learn from TBM Council General Manager Jarod Greene and a panel of TBM Council Board of Directors members on how re-forecasting IT spend and IT cost optimization helps meet the challenges of economic uncertainty.